ACoS to ROAS Calculator

Use our free calculators below to calculate ACoS to ROAS, ROAS to ACoS.





E-commerce owners use online advertising to grow their business.

Measuring the performance of these online ads is a key metric.

Advertisers on almost all platforms use ROAS to measure ad performance while Amazon provides ACoS data.

Though both metrics are important marketing KPIs give different insights.

So what does that mean for you as an Amazon seller?

Read this article to understand the basics and conversions for ACos and ROAS.

What is ACoS?

ACoS stands for Advertising Cost of Sale.

It's a key metric for measuring the efficiency of advertising campaigns on Amazon Seller Central, particularly for sellers using Amazon's Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands ads.

What it measures: ACoS tells you how much you spend on advertising to generate every dollar of sales through those ads.

Here's a breakdown of what ACoS measures:

Calculation: ACoS is calculated by dividing your total ad spend by your total sales generated from those ads, then multiplying by 100%.

Here's the formula:

ACoS = (Total Ad Spend / Total Sales from Ads) x 100%


Related: Amazon ACOS Calculator

What is ROAS?

ROAS stands for Return on Ad Spend.

It's a key metric for measuring the efficiency of advertising campaigns across platforms.

Calculation: ROAS is calculated by dividing your total sales generated from the advertising campaign by your total ad spend, then multiplying by 100%.

Here's the formula:

ROAS = (Total Sales from Ads / Total Ad Spend) x 100%


Related: ROAS Calculator

How to calculate ROAS from ACoS?

You can easily calculate ROAS from ACoS using a simple formula. Here is how

ROAS = 100 / ACoS

For example, if your ACoS is 20%, your ROAS would be 500%.

How to calculate ACoS from ROAS?

You can easily calculate ACoS from ROAS using a simple formula. Here is how

ACoS = 100 / ROAS

For example, if your ROAS is 500%, your ACoS would be 20%.


Aspect ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sale) ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend)
Definition The percentage of advertising spend relative to sales generated. The revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.
Formula (Advertising Spend / Sales) * 100 Revenue / Advertising Spend
Metric Type Cost-based Revenue-based
Ideal Value Lower is better Higher is better
Perspective Focuses on the cost of generating sales Focuses on the revenue generated from advertising
Use Case Used to control and minimize advertising costs relative to sales Used to maximize revenue and measure the effectiveness of advertising spend
Industry Use Commonly used in e-commerce and retail Widely used across various industries including e-commerce, digital marketing, etc.
Interpretation Lower ACOS indicates more efficient spending Higher ROAS indicates more effective spending
Calculation Example If $10,000 is spent on ads and $50,000 in sales is generated, ACOS = (10,000 / 50,000) * 100 = 20% If $50,000 in revenue is generated from $10,000 in ad spend, ROAS = 50,000 / 10,000 = 5 (in percent 500)
Decision Making Helps in deciding if advertising costs are within acceptable limits Helps in deciding if advertising efforts are generating desired returns

ACoS vs. ROAS for Advertising Success

ACoS and ROAS are important metrics to measure advertisement campaign performance.

However, they provide different insights

Then, Which metric should I use?

Use ACOS when you want to understand the profitability of your campaigns, especially across product categories.

A lower ACOS is better because it means you're spending less on advertising per sale, potentially leading to higher profits.

Use ROAS when you want to understand the overall effectiveness of your campaigns and the ROI.

A higher ROAS is better because it means your campaigns are generating more revenue compared to the money you've invested.