Break Even ROAS Calculator

Maximize Profitability: Calculate Your Breakeven ROAS for Facebook, Google, and TikTok Ads - Free!


In the competitive world of digital advertising, understanding your Return on Ad Spend (RoAS) is crucial for effective budget allocation.

By calculating your break-even RoAS (BEROAS), you can optimize your advertising efforts, maximize profits, and make informed decisions about your ad spend.

In this beginner's guide, we will delve into the intricacies of break-even RoAS calculations and explore how it can significantly improve your ad budgeting.

What is RoAS & How to Calculate It?

Return on Ad Spend (RoAS) is a performance metric that measures the revenue generated from advertising campaigns relative to the cost of those campaigns.

It provides insights into the effectiveness and profitability of your advertising efforts.

Calculating RoAS is relatively straightforward and can be done using the following formula:

RoAS = Revenue Generated from Ad Campaign / Cost of Ad Campaign

For example, if your ad campaign generated $5,000 in revenue and the cost of the campaign was $1,000, your RoAS would be 5 ($5,000 / $1,000).

How to Calculate the Break-even RoAS?

Calculating the break-even RoAS is essential for determining the minimum RoAS required to cover your costs and achieve profitability.

To calculate the break-even RoAS, you need to consider not only the cost of the ad campaign but also other costs associated with your product or service, such as production costs, overhead expenses, and desired profit margins.

Break Even ROAS = Total revenue per product / (Total revenue per product – Total costs per product)

The Benefits of Calculating Break-even RoAS

Calculating the break-even RoAS offers several significant benefits for your ad budgeting:

How CLV Relates to Break-even RoAS?

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) plays a crucial role in break-even RoAS calculations.

CLV represents the projected revenue a customer is expected to generate throughout their relationship with your business.

By factoring in CLV, you can better understand the long-term value of acquiring customers through your advertising efforts.

When calculating break-even RoAS, considering CLV allows you to set more accurate profitability targets.

By understanding the lifetime value of a customer, you can allocate higher advertising budgets to acquire valuable customers who are likely to generate higher revenue over time.

This helps you prioritize your ad spend and focus on acquiring customers with the potential for long-term loyalty and profitability.

Moreover, CLV provides insights into customer retention and repeat purchases.

By incorporating CLV into your break-even RoAS calculations, you can identify the optimal balance between customer acquisition and customer retention strategies.

This holistic approach ensures that your advertising efforts not only cover costs but also contribute to long-term business growth.