Guide to the Perfect eCommerce FAQ Page

Ever thought why FAQs are so important on any website and if it is done right, sales as a result just boost? FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions as the name suggests are the most common queries asked by the customers and as a business or eCommerce store owner it is your responsibility to pay attention to those queries.

When a customer is completely lost in your online store or is confused, he is always happy to discover help in the form of the FAQ. The information which you provide on this page is very crucial for potential customers to make the right decisions, especially in an eCommerce business.

Benefits of FAQs for an eCommerce store

It might seem simple for you but it might be complicated for your online visitors. If your products and services are complex then you need to provide a detailed explanation to help them fully understand your business process. Only this way you can grow sales otherwise the customers will get frustrated and even leave the site which can be bad for any eCommerce business.

When to have a FAQ page

Having an FAQ page or FAQ section is always beneficial for any eCommerce business website. It is a business where the customers have more number of queries and if the customers can find valid and helpful answers for their questions then much of their time is saved in contacting you and getting support.

Mostly if your email inbox is flooded with queries from customers or if you have customer support and frequently there are questions then it is better to have a dedicated FAQ page.

FAQ components

If you’ve decided to create a dedicated FAQ page for your website then here are some components which you need to consider as it can improve your FAQ page or section.


Remember FAQ is a part of your website so it has to blend with the overall layout of your website. Make sure all the fonts, colors and designs are similar to the rest of the pages.

Divide by categories

Don’t simply list the questions and clutter the page this will lead to more confusion and frustration. Neatly organize the questions as per their categories and present them to your customers. For example, you can create categories like “Shipping”, “Orders”, “Returns”, “Discounts”, “Payments” etc. and post related questions and answers in their respective categories. This will help the customers to effortlessly and quickly find answers.

Keep it friendly and genuine

You cannot stuff any questions on your FAQ page. Discover the frequent queries asked by the customers and post them on FAQs. Make it sound genuine and friendly, it shouldn’t look like a manual book. Use friendly language.

Relevant information

Apart from focusing on customer queries, also focus on all important information and details regarding your eCommerce business goods and services. Identify your customer concerns and try to provide useful information that works out as a solution to them. You can also explain your business process for more clarity about your online store.

More contact choices

Sometimes a customer may not find the answer to their query on the FAQ page. Hence you need to mention all the possible mediums through which they can reach you and seek support. Provide your support email id, contact form, your company’s social media links, phone number and also link to live chat, if you have.

Best practices for eCommerce FAQ page

Just creating an FAQ page will not earn customer satisfaction, you have to try and make the page as effective as possible. The page should compel the potential customers to take action so here are the best practices that you need to follow to create an effective FAQ page.

Consider customers’ point of view

For whom are you creating the FAQ page? Without a doubt, it is for your customers, right? So, instead of bragging off about your business or posting questions and answers from your business perspective, predominantly focus on your customers’ perspective. Address their concerns and post relevant solutions in the form of questions and answers on your FAQ page. This page or section should be conversational and relatable.

No essays, please!

It should be just one or two sentences and straight to the point. Your customers are in a hurry and they are looking for quick and concise answers. They definitely are not interested in lengthy and unclear responses to their queries.

Stick to the subject and keep the answer as brief as possible. This will keep the visitors engaged and help them take instant action.

Use a positive and friendly tone

As mentioned before, don’t make your FAQ page look like a technical manual. The language which you use should be helpful, simple and encouraging for your customers to take action. For example, if your customer is having a problem with returns, explain them confidently and positively how easy the return process is and they are guaranteed the best support. This will earn the trust of your customer and they won’t feel reluctant to make purchases from your site again.

A wise piece of advice – Never scare the FAQ page visitors with negative and unconstructive content.

Include CTA

If you are looking for instant actions then never miss incorporating the call-to-action button on your FAQ page. It is the turning point, where your potential customers are likely to turn into actual customers. After all the question and answer section, you can engage your visitors and encourage them to continue or start with shopping on your website.


With a dedicated FAQ section or page as a business, you certainly can be benefited from improved customer relationships, improved search engine listings, increased possibilities of turning visitors into customers and most importantly chances of a boost in sales.

Remember not every question asked by the target audience may be legitimate or worth including on the FAQ page. Identify the frequently asked queries and only focus on answering them and including them on your FAQ page.

There are many FAQ plugins readily available for your eCommerce website which can be easily customized as per your website needs. You can choose which best suits you.