9 Common Conversion Killers in eCommerce that You Need to Eliminate

Your store witnesses a lot of visitors but unfortunately, they are not converting into customers. It’s a condition that most eCommerce store owners face. 

You know the amount of effort you have put in to run the online store but if it doesn’t drive conversion, all the efforts seem to go in vain.

There are a lot of reasons why your site visitors are not making sales.

Across every path of purchase, there could be conversion killers that are making the potential customers take a back step from making a purchase. 

We have identified and listed the most common eCommerce conversion killers and have also offered solutions for the problems.

Mandatory registration

Frankly speaking, no online store visitor in the world is fond of mandatory registration, it is kind of annoying, especially at the time of checkout. 

According to research, around 25% of online shoppers abandon carts due to compulsory registration or are forced to create an account.   

If you want to improve conversions, it is quite simple just make the registration process, optional. 

Potential customers who are not interested to register can log in as a guest user and make the purchase. 

In fact, by eliminating mandatory registration, many big online brands have earned huge revenues. 

Bad-designed online store

Bad design doesn’t exactly mean the looks, it includes many other factors. 

If your store is disorganized and difficult to navigate, then there are many chances of potential visitors leaving the store. 

Cluttered and disorganized online stores make the buying process very frustrating.

The best way to kill this conversion killer is by arranging the store products clearly and logically. 

Embrace responsive design so that the store can be easily accessed from any digital device and also make sure the storefront is easy to navigate. 

Follow the golden rule – No products should be more than 3 clicks away from the homepage. 

Weak products details

Blurry images and poor product descriptions will never build the trust factor among customers. 

Many online stores fail to pay attention to product descriptions.

If the person is not touching/feeling the product and buying, then certainly he has the right to know all the details about the product and let him know about the product more closely.

A fully professional product description that is not exhaustively technical can increase the chances of building a trust factor among potential customers and improve the conversion rate. 

Also, put up quality and impressive photos of every angle of the product to encourage buying. 

No social proof 

Lack of social proof is also one of the main factors of reduced conversion rates. 

No public product review and no presence on social media build distrust among online store visitors. 

No matter how top-quality product you offer, if the real people experience is missing on your website, it will affect the conversion rates. 

Customer product reviews highly influence potential customers buying decisions.     

If you want to convince your buyers that they are investing in the right product, then don’t forget to collect and display past buyers’ product reviews on your website as well as on your social networking accounts. 

Such personal recommendations or customer testimonials surely boost the conversion rate. 

Bad UX 

If the user experiences poor user experience then there is an increased chance of bounce rate and kill conversions. 

Bad UX can be anything poor checkout process, no proper or invisible call-to-action buttons, unable to edit cart items, poor navigation, etc. 

The only thing you can do is, test and rectify such errors. Test as much as possible and make sure everything throughout the buying process works smoothly. 

Hidden costs

Okay, so the customer is happy to find the product at the lowest price but to their horror during the checkout, the additional cost is being charged. 

Now, this can annoy and drive the customer away. Hidden costs or extra cost is always a turn-off for customers, particularly those who are looking for low or budget-friendly products. 

Most online stores add extra shipping or tax charges at the time of checkout which unfortunately can lead to an abandoned cart.

The best way to stop the abandoned cart is to show all the costs before the checkout process itself. 

Showing all the costs on the product page will help in a better customer experience and the possibility of increases in conversions. 

Complicated checkout process 

The long and complex checkout process is never appreciated by online buyers. 

An online store is for a quick and comfortable shopping experience, if you complicate it, you will drive away the customers from your store.  

A strong recommendation is to do away with the long frustrating checkout process and simplify it as much as possible. 

The checkout process should end up on one single page itself. And also make sure there should be no unnecessary pop-ups during the checkout process. 

Not focusing on good deals

You have so much to offer but are your store visitors aware of it? 

Many stores offer discounts and deals but fail to grab the attention of the customers. It is because they are not presenting it in the right way.

If you have enticing bundles and deals, just flaunt it. Display it on your home page in an attractive manner. Post the offers on your social media pages. 

Discover more options to highlight your deals and grab attention. Only this way, you can increase your conversions. 

No multiple payment options

Every customer would have a different payment preference. 40% of online shoppers prefer shopping from sites that offer multiple payment options.

So it becomes significant for any online store to offer multiple and of course secured payment options. 

If not all but at least popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and buy now pay later options should be provided to your customers. 

This will make their payment process easier and simultaneously increase conversions. 

Cash on delivery can always be an additional payment option for the customer’s convenience. 

Also, include trust badges if possible, this will certainly have a positive impact on the conversion rate. 

So if you are having these issues, it is time to rectify them. Follow the solutions effectively and kill the conversion killers.