8 Post Purchase emails that you Need to Send Without Fail

So, finally, your targeted customers have made a purchase from your store. Great! As an online store owner, do you think your task ends here? If yes, then you are wrong. Just selling products should not be your ultimate goal. Building customer relationships is what you should primarily focus and email can serve as a great platform to uplift your customer retention rates.

Email marketing is not just to boost sales but also for the post-sales process. If you want your customers to turn into loyal customers who forever will consider your brand for making a purchase then follow the post-sales strategies.

An increase in customer retention has the potential to increase your profits from 25% to almost 100%.

Here are some post-sale emails which you need to send to your customers and keep your relationship strong and alive:

Post Purchase Email #1. An order confirmation mail with a thank you message

Genuinely, you are thankful to your customer for making the purchase, so, why not just express it to them? With the basic order confirmation email, you can just add a simple Thank you note and make a positive impact on your customer.

This will significantly increase engagement. You can make thank you more interesting by adding some quick video or personalized messages. However, if you are just adding a simple thank you note also, make sure it is noticeable. Along with the message, you can also add it as a subject line. Apart from order details and thank you note, to continue engagement, give a hint to the customer about what they expect next like mention how they can track the shipment and in case of query or problem whom and how to contact.

Post Purchase Email #2. Shipping confirmation mail

The customer has a complete right to know if the order is reaching its way or not. Here is when shopping notification plays a vital role. In this email, let the customer know the status of their order and when it is likely to reach their door.

By notifying your customers, you are able to build trust and strengthen your bond. You can simply go beyond the automated mail and add your personal touch with customized mail. You can blend the mail with your brand identity like brand colors, logo, slogan and also add some attention-grabbing content or humor to make the mail more engaging.

Even in this mail, you can mention what they can expect next and in case of any problem feel free to contact.

Post Purchase Email #3. Information mail

Till the time the order arrives at your customer’s doorstep, you can keep them engaged with some engaging information. Whether the information is related to the product or not, helpful content will always fill the gap in the right way.

The information can be anything in the form of tutorial series, how-to content or blog post. It can be any useful information related to their purchase too. Any sort of advice can keep them absorbed with your brand.

Post Purchase Email #4. Mail after the shipment arrived

So after the product gets arrived, you can just show concern to your customer by asking general questions like – Did the product arrive on time, is it as expected, are they happy with the purchase.

This way you also get feedback and also come to know the product reached safely to the customer or not. By showing concern, the customer feels more trusted about your brand and even if not satisfied with the current product, won’t feel reluctant to exchange or make a new purchase.

Post Purchase Email #5. Product review email

Not just for customer relationship but a review from an existing customer is also crucial in attracting new customers as a product with good ratings and reviews are often preferred by new customers.

So make sure you collect reviews from the customer. Positive reviews surely will be helpful but even negative reviews can help you in a great way to work towards improvement. Whatever, the customers rates the experience, don’t forget to be thankful. Do reply and increase engagement.

Post Purchase Email #6. Reminder email

A customer stopped using your product or have been a long time, the customer didn’t make any order? Without further delay, plan to send a good reminder email. Don’t look desperate, create the message in such a way that the customer should instantly feel that they are missing out on something.

It could be a simple message, or message showcasing your new launch, newly offered discounts or anything that you feel can grab customer’s attention and increase the retention rate. You can keep on sending timely reminders to get desired results but as said before don’t make yourself look desperate.

Post Purchase Email #7. Surprise or promotional email

The time when you feel that it’s been a pretty long time when the customers haven’t made any purchase, then it’s a good time to surprise them with some exciting offers, discounts, freebies or discounts. Yes, it is an incredible way to retain your customers and get them back to shopping.

If you have a list of your best customers, offer them some perks or appreciate them by sending a heartfelt thank you email telling them that they are responsible for your success. Show some importance to build trust and loyalty. You can also offer them some instant discount or a free gift for being such a loyal customer. This is a sure-shot way to build a strong customer relationship.

Post Purchase Email #8. Birthday emails

Studies say that birthday emails are highly effective and have recorded around a 481% transaction rate as compared to promotional emails.

Not just birthday but any occasion mail would work but since generally we collect birthday details so we are focusing on this occasion. Sending personalized email with birthday wishes and birthday gifts like coupons, a discount is undoubtedly an effective way to attain customer retention. This post-sale mail grabs attention and also most of the time compel the customer to make a purchase. Birthday is an appropriate occasion to create an oversized impact on your customer as well as boost your sales. It’s actually a bonus.

This post-sale practice works best for any eCommerce business. Follow the email marketing strategy and see how truly advantageous it turns out for your business.